Friday, 25 April 2008

Week 3 - Friday - All You Need Is Love.....

I would like to share with you how I am feeling right now - actually it is difficult to put down in words but I will do my best to explain my 'current state of mind' - we have had another challenging week with posture clinic kicking-off, i.e. presenting your dialogue in groups with senior teachers evaluating how you delivered the dialogue. I managed to deliver up to Eagle pose, so a couple of postures, received quite good feedback with some good comments on where I can improve. But there is anxiety there and being nervous so that does affect my delivery a bit. So my day starts around 7am, wake up, a quick bit of study, eat half a banana and a protein shake and at 8am head over to the Yoga room to get myself set up for the 8:30 am class. My day officially ends around 11:30 pm when I get back to my room after a non-stop day and then I can start doing some more study. I think this will be the pattern in the next couple of weeks.

But anyway, I am getting side-tracked. Tonight, we had the 5pm class with Sarah, energetic it was but my body and my mind was on the tired side. But as we were laying in Savasana, the resting period before the floor series start, she said how awesome we are and how great teachers we will be - it was kind of the first time I really felt that they (the teachers here) were giving us love and warmth.....anyway, we finished the class and then she said she has some good news for us: That we have a free night with no posture clinic, so the whole room (remember, 280 students) clapped and whistling and were really happy!! Then we layed down and rested and Sarah explained to us that she loved listening to the Beatles and that one of the recent songs she was listening to reminded her of us. It was the song, 'All you Need is Love' - and she said: above anything else, go out to the world and teach Yoga with LOVE. She ended and then a remake version of the Song was played in the big studio - it was just amazingly overwhelming and I started crying and could not stop, I was so overwhelmed with what I am doing here on this training, what I have achieved in these first 3 weeks, the love I have for my dearest husband and my family and friends and and all the Yoga students in the room. I cannot describe in words how this feeling really was, unique, magical, precious - the girl next to me grabbed my hand and asked if I was ok, we were just laying there holding each others hands......quite a few people got emotional in that moment.

Right now I feel so much love and compassion for myself and everybody out there in the world.

I realised for the first time tonight, what I am really doing and how this will definitely be the most unique and special experience in my life, despite my very sore hamstrings, my aching knees, my tiredness (11 Yoga classes a week, each 90 mins!).

I hugged Dr. T tonight, he was our Anatomy instructor and yippee, anatomy lectures are finished and our second exam is on Monday. I did ok on the first exam getting 49 out of 50 points. FIY, the jaw bone is called mandible!

Well, I will sign off now, studying and meeting Robyn shortly for some live dialogue training.

I think I need a good nights sleep tonight.

I have a slight suspicion that I will return from Acapulco saying that I have had the most amazing time of my life (apart from my wedding day!).

Soon I am half way through, I am aware that more though and challenging times are ahead of me but my spirit and mind are in the right place to give me strength and love and support.

With lots of love,
Katherine the happy Yogini xxxxxxx

Sunday, 20 April 2008

Week 2 - Sunday (last day of week 2!)

Dear Husband, family and friends,
It's Sunday 11am - I HAVE COMPLETED WEEK 2!!!! It's been a good week, learning about anatomy, practising 11 Yoga classes, had various lectures and kick-ed off the Posture Clinic. My last 2 classes on Friday evening and Saturday morning were challenging for me - but the amazing thing is that even after complete exhaustion it takes not more then 10 mins usually until you recover and feel good and energetic. I run down to the sea and oh wow, have a refreshing dip in the cool water!!

Bikram sadly left us this week and will be back around week 5 and stay for the remainder of the training. I felt sad seeing him go and miss not having him here.

Well, we have our first anatomy test tomorrow and dialogue training is kicking-off. Have to memorise 26 postures by heart in the next 5-6 weeks. I had a moment of being completely freaked out yesterday, panicking about if I can do this dialogue and if I can do the anatomy....I've not been doing exams for a very long time and being under pressure to perform and being exposed. Anyway, today I am feeling much better and my counsellor husband Armond has giving me a good talking and we agreed that next week, week 3, will be a trauma free week and then I could have all the trauma in the world the following week. That sounds like a good deal to me!!

For those of you reading my blog who have not been through this training this must sound all very strange and maybe difficult to understand... just imagine, your are being taken totally away from your comfort zone and anything which has been familiar to you in your life and be dropped in the unknown, new people, new home, new country and a completely different day to day life. And this for 9 weeks!!
Well, that's what is happening to me here.

In case you want to know what muscles you use for breathing, it is the diaphragm and the intercostal muscles and the muscles which allow you to stand on top of your toes are the soleus and the gastrocnemius!!

Well, I will now continue some studying, then will pop to the beach for a swim and have a deep tissue massage booked for 5pm and a quite evening at home (in my hotel room!!) Bye the way, had music and partying going on every night since Thursday but what would have never been possible before is that I actually went to sleep with the sound of disco in my bedroom - that's yoga for you!!

I send you all sunshine and warmth - I am on track to becoming a true yogini and hopefully a Yoga Teacher - even the experiences of these first 2 weeks have been so amazing and I feel I want to share these unique moments and what we are capable of as a human being with all Bikram Yoga students back home. I am beginning to understand what this is all about......

Lots of love,
Kate the Yogini xxx

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Week 2 - Thursday night

It's 23.15 pm and we got released early tonight, i.e. at 10:30 but there is a massive event on at the hotel for the next 4 days with live bands and lots of music, so it feels like a disco in my bedroom. Now we have been asked to act yogic about this and remain, calm, concentrate and not get irritated by the fact that I can't go to sleep for at least another 2 hours...which I am trying very hard to follow - and to enjoy the Spanish live bands outside!!!

We have had some really interesting lectures by Bikram this week - so much about life, the way we conduct ourselves in life, culture and philosophy of life in India versus the rest of the world. I keep notes of the important points he makes - it is really fascinating listening to him. Al tough we do all get pretty tired in the evenings....he did say that our training was 24 hrs and sleeping is a luxury!!

Anyway, the Yoga classes - I have gotten stronger altough my balancing postures are not quite balanced right now, slipping on the carpet and trying to improve the set-up. My body is now starting to ache at various places, all normal we are told and just work through the pain. I have all my Swiss remedies with me for muscle pain etc. The rest at the weekend really worked wonders for my body and I was so much more energetic then last week - but the morning classes are challenging, sore and stiff and tired....we are all still hanging in there and going with the process and following the flow. We sweat by the bucket loads and I drink 4-5 litres of fluid a day.

Posture clinic will kick-off next week so this weekend I will be studying anatomy and the dialogue.

Well, I've nearly completed the first 2 weeks of training - I still can't quite believe that I will come out of this as a Yoga Teacher! And that I have survived nearly 2 weeks. I must admit last week that seemed an impossible task for me...but we are all capable of a lot more then we think. And I have really experienced that first hand.

I'm still meeting new people every day, so many different stories people have to tell about where they are from and why they are here. It's truly fascinating and magical.

Thanks again for all the supportive and kind emails and comments from you!

Lots of love from Mexico,
Katherine xxx

Monday, 14 April 2008

Week 2 - Monday night

I'm trying to rush done my pot noodles in my bedroom so I have time to quickly make an entry in my blog! I had an ok weekend but glad that the bootcamp has kicked-off again today - want to keep busy otherwise I start thinking too much about home....not that I am complaining!!

First of all I would like to thank you all for your kind and supporting comments and emails I received - it is wonderful to know that I can keep in touch with you over the next 8 weeks and let you know what is happening in my Bikram Teacher Training life.

Yipee, today, for the first time after 10 classes I felt strong again and actually like a Bikram Yogini!! This morning, Bikram's most senior teacher Emy was teaching, she will be here all week. I really enjoyed her class. And this evening Bikram again. It was a energetic class and I felt good and had a smile on my face - and then at the end he played one of his songs on CD - it was really touching and the atmosphere in the room with 280 people AMAZING AND POWERFUL. I was smilling up to the ceiling in my savasana. And afterwards I went up to Bikram and said how lovely this song was - he was humble and his eyes were glowing and he was smiling. Then I run down to the sea for a quick dip. This is unique.

My aim on this Training is to live for the present, enjoy and accept each moment for what it is, be it good or maybe less good - I realise that I will have moments of strength and moments of weakness but hey that is what will make me stronger and maybe just a very little more wiser.

Anatomy lectures started today - oh dear, there is so much of the body and sceletal system to learn....mmh, glad I never decided to become a doctor!!

Apologies for any mistakes - lots of love - will be in touch in a couple of days,

Katherine xxxx

Sunday, 13 April 2008

Week 1

I have decided to keep a blog to write down my experiences of being part of the Spring 2008 Bikram Teacher Training in Acapulco.

One week has passed by, probably the most challenging week of my life (even the 2 juice fast retreats I have done in the past are a piece of cake in comparison to this experience!). I have been keeping a daily journal which we have been encouraged to do. So this is just a little insight of what has been going on in my life last week. I arrived safely in Mexico Friday week ago, smooth flight and and baggage arrived as well (apparently many other students missed connection flights and luggage got lost). It was not easy to say good-bye to my dearest husband Armond, who took me to the airport but we both remained strong, positive and happy about the challenge we were both about to face, being apart for 8 weeks. Luckily, Armond is going to come to Acapulco at the end of week 8 and will stay here for graduation and then we will have a couple of days together before flying back to the UK.

Before I continue I would like to thank all my family and friends for their support, encouraging words and positive attitude towards me taking on this rather crazy challenge!!

My hotel room is very nice and comfortable, with a balcony and stunning sea view. Most people are sharing rooms so this is a real privilege to have my own room.

Last Sunday was orientation day which lasted about 3 hours and was a gentle introduction into the 9 weeks ahead of us and quite a bit of house-keeping. Then we were invited to dinner, the first of many many buffets meals at the hotel.

We are about 290 students on the course. Monday morning we met Bikram!!! This was quite a touching and emotional moment to finally meet the man who's Yoga I have been practising for the past 3 years!

Monday afternoon at 4pm was our first Yoga Class, The studio has been purpose built and is pretty amazing (used to be indoor Tennis courts). I was nervous, anxious and a little panicky. The feeling of being in a room with 290 people practising yoga is unique and there is such an energy present.

My first weeks Yoga classes:
Well, I wont go into too much detail but will say that they were really challenging classes for me, there was quite a bit of fear there, insecurity and many more emotions.....this is all normal I hear and no reason to panic, as MANY MANY students go through similar emotions.

Bikram said that this 1st week we were all experiencing a huge imbalance as the way we have been living our life previously has totally changed,but by next week nothing will bother us...and again we should trust the process.

Apart from the 2 classes per day (90 mins each in a hot and very humid room). We have had all 290 students present the Half Moon Pose dialogue to Bikram. All the lectures are held in a auditorium here at the hotel, with a stage and seats, so quite different to when Armond did his training in LA. We still have about 60 people to go on stage so this has taken up most of week 1.

I presented my posture on Wednesday and was pleased that it went well, Bikram's comments were: "very sweet, very convincing, good....a couple of small things that I will now not comment on but will get fixed once you start the posture clinic training".

I have already met many lovely people, every day at least somebody new. But 2 people I got to know really well this week and how have been a tremendous support to me were Robyn and Simone. Simone is from London and Robyn from Albuquerque, New Mexico. It was a real blessing to spend time with them and get their support. There is a big Wal-Mart close by which is good and we've been shopping there already twice.

I drink about 4-5 litres of water a day and eat a lot! Basically Craig said we should eat double then we normally do! The food at the hotel is very good and we get a free buffet every day.

It's now Sunday morning close to 10am and I will shortly go down for some Breakfast. Realised that the weekends will be when I miss Armond, my friends, my family and my home the most. But have to keep myself distracted and keep my goal alive of becoming a Bikram Yoga Teacher!!
There are beautiful swimming pools here and a stunning sea (which we have been going to after Yoga classes, straight in with our Yoga clothes on! That is a great and so refreshing!)

It is all a process and we have to trust the process. That is what they keep saying and I do believe it.

There is so much more to tell but at least you now have an idea of how things are going down here in sunny Acapulco!

My next blog entry will be shorter and hopefully more frequent! I've only just set it up after Robyn told me about her blog and I thought it was a great idea to communicate to the outside world.

It is such a privilege to be here and experience this, and despite my fear at times I am overwhelmed by the friendliness of the people here on the course and the support we are getting from Bikram, Craig and the senior teachers.

Lots of love,