Thursday, 17 April 2008

Week 2 - Thursday night

It's 23.15 pm and we got released early tonight, i.e. at 10:30 but there is a massive event on at the hotel for the next 4 days with live bands and lots of music, so it feels like a disco in my bedroom. Now we have been asked to act yogic about this and remain, calm, concentrate and not get irritated by the fact that I can't go to sleep for at least another 2 hours...which I am trying very hard to follow - and to enjoy the Spanish live bands outside!!!

We have had some really interesting lectures by Bikram this week - so much about life, the way we conduct ourselves in life, culture and philosophy of life in India versus the rest of the world. I keep notes of the important points he makes - it is really fascinating listening to him. Al tough we do all get pretty tired in the evenings....he did say that our training was 24 hrs and sleeping is a luxury!!

Anyway, the Yoga classes - I have gotten stronger altough my balancing postures are not quite balanced right now, slipping on the carpet and trying to improve the set-up. My body is now starting to ache at various places, all normal we are told and just work through the pain. I have all my Swiss remedies with me for muscle pain etc. The rest at the weekend really worked wonders for my body and I was so much more energetic then last week - but the morning classes are challenging, sore and stiff and tired....we are all still hanging in there and going with the process and following the flow. We sweat by the bucket loads and I drink 4-5 litres of fluid a day.

Posture clinic will kick-off next week so this weekend I will be studying anatomy and the dialogue.

Well, I've nearly completed the first 2 weeks of training - I still can't quite believe that I will come out of this as a Yoga Teacher! And that I have survived nearly 2 weeks. I must admit last week that seemed an impossible task for me...but we are all capable of a lot more then we think. And I have really experienced that first hand.

I'm still meeting new people every day, so many different stories people have to tell about where they are from and why they are here. It's truly fascinating and magical.

Thanks again for all the supportive and kind emails and comments from you!

Lots of love from Mexico,
Katherine xxx


Shadi said...

Hi Katherine - well done girl - you sound so happy and content. The blog was an excellent idea - one can almost feel the energy coming from the screen which will cheer all your office buddies up immensely! Looking forward to the next instalment. Keep smiling!

Lots of love

Cliftonbay said...

Sorry about the mariachis! Keep a smile on your face. You are doing great and have faith in yourself for your dialogue.

Lots and lots and lots of love