Monday, 14 April 2008

Week 2 - Monday night

I'm trying to rush done my pot noodles in my bedroom so I have time to quickly make an entry in my blog! I had an ok weekend but glad that the bootcamp has kicked-off again today - want to keep busy otherwise I start thinking too much about home....not that I am complaining!!

First of all I would like to thank you all for your kind and supporting comments and emails I received - it is wonderful to know that I can keep in touch with you over the next 8 weeks and let you know what is happening in my Bikram Teacher Training life.

Yipee, today, for the first time after 10 classes I felt strong again and actually like a Bikram Yogini!! This morning, Bikram's most senior teacher Emy was teaching, she will be here all week. I really enjoyed her class. And this evening Bikram again. It was a energetic class and I felt good and had a smile on my face - and then at the end he played one of his songs on CD - it was really touching and the atmosphere in the room with 280 people AMAZING AND POWERFUL. I was smilling up to the ceiling in my savasana. And afterwards I went up to Bikram and said how lovely this song was - he was humble and his eyes were glowing and he was smiling. Then I run down to the sea for a quick dip. This is unique.

My aim on this Training is to live for the present, enjoy and accept each moment for what it is, be it good or maybe less good - I realise that I will have moments of strength and moments of weakness but hey that is what will make me stronger and maybe just a very little more wiser.

Anatomy lectures started today - oh dear, there is so much of the body and sceletal system to learn....mmh, glad I never decided to become a doctor!!

Apologies for any mistakes - lots of love - will be in touch in a couple of days,

Katherine xxxx

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