Sunday, 25 May 2008

final photos for now...

I know, not the best photos but the girl you see is this years Yoga Championship Winner, Alicia. She is also a Bikram Teacher. This was a special press conference demo we had in the lobby of the hotel for the Mexican press and tv re Bikram doing his Teacher Training here in Acapulco. The demonstrators were all senior Teachers, and Alicia. So no, not us the students, I think we need a couple of years until our postures look like that. At least for most of us.
YIPEEEEEE week 8 is about to start and I'm ready, lets have some rocking Yoga classes and let me rock out that final posture, the Spine Twist, with confidence and strength.
And next Friday my dear husband is arriving, we also will have a talent show on that night - so many people here have special talents, are actors, musicians, dancers etc.
Well, I don't have that special will watch with enjoyment and pleasure what my fellow yogis and yoginis have to show!
Lots of love and see many of you very soon again,

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