Tuesday, 13 May 2008

Week 6 - Tuesday evening

It's 8:15 and I've got 10 mins free time to write a couple of lines on my blog. Bikram's wife Rajashree is back for a couple of days, so has been teaching us and lecturing us. It was quite emotional seeing her again as she thought the morning classes in week 1 - when, I must admit, I was unsure I was actually going to survive week 1 :-) - it was really so challenging in all respects. And now I can do her classes and keep my calm and controlled breathing, and even the vomiting amongst the team has stopped! So it's a whole different experience ( I think I didn not mention, the side effects some students have been suffering here in the first couple of weeks, and vomiting is quite normal, there are even special little bins for that purpose)

My practice has become stronger this week despite my very sore knees, but aches and pains are quite normal - but maybe by next week things will calm down and we will build more strength.

I can't believe it's just about 3 weeks to go now - on one hand I am glad to finish this amazing and intense training, on the other hand I think I will miss it terribly and hence I am making a real effort to live in the present and make the most out of every day.

But there are moments when things are dragging, when I am feeling flat, have no energy, wake up in the mornings at 6:30 stiff, tired and sore and unmotivated - but we all keep going, keep going.

We are having another Bikram lecture tonight, most students now take one of their bedroom pillows with them and other things, in case we get a 4am session and would have to camp over in the lecture hall!! Last night we were very lucky and as Bikram's wife cooked dinner for him we were let off early, i.e. 11:15 pm.

Let's see what tonight brings.

The sun is still shining here, every day, and it's getting hotter.

Love the evening Yoga classes - soak them up and get all the energy I need for the training.

I will miss the heat and practising with 280 students - very much.

Lots of love,
Katherine xxxx

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